Okay, so I'm working through the year slightly backwards. Daniel was baptized in April. I'm aware of the continual debate over infant baptism, but the longer I am in the PCA denomination, the more I am certain that one of the most humbling moments is when your child is baptized, and your congregation and family commits to being this child's covenant family. Jamie and I are completely unable to do this journey of parenting on our own, but that is why the body of Christ comes alongside of us. When I was visiting with Kerry Brothers a few weeks ago, she was telling me of how she continually presses upon her children that they are God's covenant children. How precious! We asked our sweet friend Robby to baptize Daniel. When he prayed he asked God to strengthen Daniel to go and do whatever the Father would have him to do for His kingdom - no matter what the cost. He prayed for us to have to courage as parents to encourage him in this path. I've think about that prayer often when I hold Daniel, and I praise God for enabling Robby to deepen our vision for Daniel's life. I also think of the opening and closing lines of the hymn "Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken"..."Jesus, I my cross have taken, all to leave and follow Thee. Destitute, despised, forsaken, Thou from hence my all shall be", and then the closing's promise..."Hope shall change to glad fruition, faith to sight and prayer to praise."
We're so grateful that ya'll are in our covenant family as well :) Glad to see and hear updates of what is going on with you!
what a sweet post.
stephen and i are missing being at avpc these days, but we know that we are right where God wants us to be right now.
hope things are going well on your end.
~katy h.
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